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Issues with boot windows (Errors 0xc0000034 & 0xc0000225)

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Refer to Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet for all the images I use in this post.I restarted my computer this morning (2013 Toshiba Portege Z930) and was greeted with this error (image 1).After some research I decided to load a bootable windows 10 onto a USB via another computer (64-bit) which I am fairly sure I did correct and then restarted my computer and held F12 which brang me to image 2.I tried booting it through the USB but gave me the same error (image 1) as did all the other options except for HAD recovery which brang me to a different error (image 3) on this second error I had two other options but selecting either of these would just make the screen flicker. I'm sure I'm the right track I feel I'm just doing something slightly wrong. Should I try rebooting a different windows OS? (Would this clean my HD?)All help is greatly appreciated!

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