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ISO File For Win 10 Build 15058


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I've downloaded the .iso file for Build 15058. I did this because on my existing installation of Build 15058 I have been unable to download Build 15061 because "some update files aren't signed correctly". Can I run Setup.exe from the .iso file whilst I am booted into Win 10 Build 15058, and if so will I get the" Upgrade" option and be able to keep my existing programs and other files? In other words can I perform a non -destructive reinstall of Win 10, as I have done in the past for Win 7? (I have  a dual boot desktop PC with Win 7 on one hard disk and Win 10 on another).

Advice would be appreciated.

Thanks and regards,


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I downloaded the .iso file for Win 10 Pro x 64, Build 15058, the Build I already had installed, edited the security pane, and then, whilst I was running Win 10, double clicked the .iso file and ran Setup.exe.I chose to keep my programs and personal files, and was pleasantly surprised at the speed of completion of the setup process. I then checked for updates and completed the update to Insider Preview Build 15061 without any problems.(I did not get the "some update files aren't signed correctly" error.)

 I did not need to create a DVD from the .iso file.

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