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Nexus 5 not recognized by HP Ome or Windows 10


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I am having trouble connecting my Nexus 5 smart phone to my recently purchased HP Omen Laptop.

I am a quadriplegic and depend on the Vysor App in Chrome to use my phone with my PC.

I have had this phone for a couple of years now and it has worked perfectly with both Windows 7 & Windows 10 in the past.

I currently have the required Universal ADB drivers installed and USB Debugging enabled in developer options. And the phone has acknowledged that it is connected as a media device.

The phone appears under Devices & Printers and appears to be working properly in Properties.

I have tried troubleshooting the issue and there is an incompatibility issue between the PC’s USB 3.0 ports & the devices USB 2.0 Specifications (an issue that does not affect my SmartNav 3 and should be mitigated by backwards compatibility).

I have also checked the HP website for any support solutions but their solution is to connect via Wifi (a solution unavailable to me as I use a 3G wireless modem for internet & do not have a router).

As stated above I am a quadriplegic and this is a big deal so any suggestions or fixes would be greatly appreciated.



Devices & Printers.PNG

Nexus 5 Properties.PNG



Report 2.PNG

HP Forum.PNG

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