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Screen goes black after logging into Windows 10

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Well, here goes...

On my 64-bit Pavillion dv7 lap-top which was upgraded to Windows 10 ages ago,

Yesterday when shutting down I had a "shutdown and update" option on my screen so of course I clicked on it and expected the laptop to shut down after about 15 minutes or so. Instead the laptop was still running after about an hour and was still showing "preparing your update please do not switch off" but of course I wanted to go to sleep and shut it down. I realise this was probably unwise however in the morning I switched on my machine and everything seemed fine, I did a few bits like checking email etc. then shut down normally and went to work.

I came home and switched on again and was able to login but when that screen went to go into windows 10 desktop it sort of flashed but the screen went black. I have been about 2 hours using the all the information I can find but cannot even get the screen to appear when starting up in safe mode. What I can see while viewing the black screen is the task manager which is illuminated and presented in the normal way. I can see my cursor on the screen but cannot get right-click menu to appear either.

I have absolutely no idea what has happened, I have also tried Repair feature but the message says "cannot repair your computer". I do not really want to have to re-install the OS at this time either, there must be something I can do to be able to see something?

I have tried system restore way back to an update in mid December but that hasn't done anything either. I cannot get to the device manager to check the graphic card driver or disable it.

I think I have mentioned everything,

Any help appreciated.


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