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why don't icons show up in gmail or google maps?

Guest joel11

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Guest joel11

When I go to my gmail inbox, the icons for back to inbox, archive, report spam, delete, and labels buttons do not show. It looks the same in Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Opera browsers.

Right clicking and clicking Inspect in google chrome shows 41 errors like this:
https://ssl.gstatic.com/chat/babble/sprites/common-b0e550b903e84764e54e22f4908f0c33.png Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED

Also, (and I don't know if it's related) in Google Maps, when I search for a place then press enter, the URL text changes, but the page does not refresh (as shown in the attached image). When I refresh the page manually, it then shows the search result.

I have tried clearing cache, disabling anti-virus program, disabling all browser extensions, incognito mode and nothing seems to make a difference.

gmail email screen.JPG


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