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BSOD after Win10 update . . .

Guest Klard

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I have a Toshiba Laptop that came with Windows 8 installed. Responding to "Update" requests to install Win10, I did. A couple of months later my system performed a Win10 update one night that was the Kiss of Death. Upon starting the system it shows a blue screen with the dreaded :( symbol followed with a generic statement that something is wrong and I'll restart your system in a minute.

It does restart, but it continually loops to the BSOD, restart, BSOD, restart... The 1st time or two it entered some diagnostic procedure to determine what was amiss. The error code came up as; 0xc000021a. No other explanation of precisely what the dilemma might be was forthcoming. Of course, that error code is just a generic catchall MS uses to say, "We really don't know how Microsoft has crashed your expensive equipment." (When was the last time Microsoft put a decent Windows operating system on the street? XP?)

I do not have the disc with Win10 to do a reinstall. Even if I did I can't get to the point where it will "see" the CD Drive. Just a guess, but I'd say there is a problem with the boot sector on the internal hard drive. I will hazard a guess that I will have to pay someone $125 to scrub my internal drive (wipe all my data) and simply reinstall Win10.

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