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Unable to access store


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Ever since my Dell Inspiron upgraded to Windows 10, I lost access to my photos (because Windows 10 though compatible with my system, was not with my photo viewer so I had to Google a new driver to download in order to open my pics), but I can not get access to the Microsoft store. The store app is still there, and when I click on it, a brief flash of the store icon is seen, then is gone. I go the windows website and enter the store from there, and when I click on an app to download, it does the same thing. I have searched for a way to 'uninstall' the store app so I could reinstall it, but that is not an option- only 'unpin/pin to task bar' is available. Dell of course wants to charge me an outrageous fee for tech support to figure this out (I am 2 moths past my warranty), and I can't find anything online that helps. I am debating going back to Windows 8.1 because I have had more issues with 10 than what it's worth. Any advice??

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest kevlar42

November Update pushed to my Dell Latitude E6320, which was working perfectly in the initial upgrade from Win 7 Pro. After update, Windows would hang after login credential. I restored back to a previous version…all was well until update was pushed again.

MS Windows Answers support spent a total of 5 hours with me. We finally installed Version 1511 from the MS Download site. Windows booted, but now most of the Windows 10 apps will not function and the Windows store is broken.

According to Tweaker.com “Due to a bug in the Windows 10 build 10586 the powershell command used to reinstall the apps and app store instead breaks them and deletes their install folders. Till Microsoft fixes this bug the repair app store is skipped for this version of Windows.”

I have tried several variants of Powershell scripts that re-register the App Store and re-install the Win 10 Apps. Among those apps is Photo, which would be handy for you...None of the solutions succeeded in fixing my App Store or the broken Win 10 apps

Dell and MS are pointing at each other for this glitch -- Dell says Win 10 is the problem, and MS that Dell does not certify all of its legacy computers to work with Win 10. Considering the fact I was nagged repeatedly to upgrade to Win 10 and that MS pushed 3 GB of upgrade files to my computer after it passed the compatibility test, I am a little miffed that MS is now saying that upgrading was unwise. Because of my work with MS support, I cannot roll back to Win 7 Pro without a complete reformat.

My advice to you would be to return to the previous OS if possible and monitor Windows Forums such as this one to see whether a fix is released. Windows 10 is pretty good, but we are all being used as Beta testers while the bugs are worked out.

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