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Outlook update has changed the label for my outlook tab.


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Hello. Does anyone here have an idea on how to change the name that shows on my browser tab for Outlook. An update within the past 24 hours now puts my name up there. This is a concern as I have a separate email account with my full name for business, an outlook account with an informal title for my design and student lessons and correspondence therein; and my email account with my social media name (the byline shown here Petrosa).

Now my browser shows three tabs with my full name albeit with two that have slightly truncated versions of name. (Think Thomas E. Jones, Thomas Jones, Tom E. Jones)

This might seem minor to some but it really helps me to delineate my business, my semiprofessional/student work, and my social media account. This has worked for me for the past few years and the workflow is already disrupted a bit.

Any ideas. I do honestly ask that commentary on my organizational system, while I can understand misgivings for my personal methodology, be restrained. I know this is an odd request, but I just want the account (email address) to be the title for each tab, not the owner name.

I do not see anything in the settings related to this.

True thanks to any help offered.

Running Windows 10, browser is Firefox 41.02.

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