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OneDrive syncs to old computer, not new


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When I bought a new laptop about 2 years ago I entered my OneDrive account and told it to back up all files. I have just learnt that it is not backing up any new files or folders I create on the new computer, only those that were created on the old computer. How do I correct this without losing all my files. Can somebody please help me. I'm scared of having OneDrive overwrite everything on my new computer, i.e. lose all the last 2 years files. 

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To resolve this issue, you can follow these steps:

Open your OneDrive account on the old computer and ensure that all files are synced.
On your new laptop, sign out of OneDrive.
Download and install the OneDrive app on your new laptop.
Sign in to OneDrive on the new laptop using the same account as the old computer.
In OneDrive settings, select the folders you want to sync.
Allow OneDrive to sync all your files to your new laptop.
By following these steps, you should be able to sync all your files from OneDrive to your new laptop without losing any data. Make sure you have a backup of your files before making any changes to avoid data loss.


Rachel Gomez

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Hello, thanks for your advice. Before I do this I just want to make sure that you fully understand my problem.

The old computer and OneDrive are fully synched to each other but not up to date, in fact they are about 2 years out of date.

My new laptop has all the most recent files and folders but the only changes that have been synched to OneDrive are changes to files that were initially created on the old computer. No new files or folders created on the new laptop have been synched to OneDrive.

Your advice should work provided that OneDrive does not assume that it's version of files is the correct one. As long as it takes the most recent version as the definitive one that will be Ok. If not it might "update" my new laptop to the status on the old computer.

Naturally I've taken several backups but can you please let me know if the above is indeed the way OneDrive works.

Thanks very much, regards, Mark

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