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OneDrive - HDD Size STILL being used (Help Needed)


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OK....I am techy person....former IT.
On my home PC I have Windows 10.....all latest updates....fairly new PC so SUPER clean.
I have OD installed and family vids/pic ~350GB (have 1TB account).
My HDD is 1TB drive.....with the biggest other space consumer my iTunes backups for family iPhones....call it ~350GB too.

So, initially on OD I had both iTunes and OD pics/vids on the PC....so ~700GB of 1TB HDD space.....made sense.
I then decided to move the 350GB vids/pics to Personal Vault.....had other small items already there.
For this still had it on PC...not just Cloud.....so on disk size was still the ~700GB (350+350).
With what seems new version of OD I decided to do two things.....move vids/pics back out of Vault and have this in OD cloud....not on Disk.
So, I "thought" after this effort my on disk HDD would reduced to the ~350 GB(iTunes + W10 O/S, etc.)

Here is problem.....it STILL shows 700GB+ HDD used.
I have done OD reset.
I even uninstalled and re-installed OD.
I manually look in my  C HDD and the open folders on under the USER folder shows 700GB+
I see Apple/Backup 350GB as expected.
If I look at the OneDrive folder it shows the size ad ~350GB but on disk as ~13GB (what I do have selected as Always Keep On Device)
So.....the only thing I can summize is that when I moved the large vids/pics to Vault (which was on disk) OD expanded that secure area,
....and when I moved it out and went to cloud only that large 350GB space was never freed up.

So....not sure how to proceed ?.........a few GB is one things but 350GB of phantom on disk consumption is not acceptable.

As note, in Settings....I do have all folders checked to "see them" in Explorer and the "Files On Demand" option enabled.
This all seems work....most of folders show cloud icon...except for few (~13GB) I manually changed to Always Keep On Device
OneDrive version: Build 23.028.0205.0002 (64-bit)

I'm stumped.........thx.



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I found the offending folder..........288GB on disk........was hidden folder.
C:\users\myname\App Data\Loca\Temp

Per suggestion on other Forum I right clicked on this temp directory and hit DELETE.
There is nothing in this directory that impacts Windows.
There were few files would not allow me to delete.......the folder itself would not delete (which is OK).

BUT.....it clearly deleted the offending 200GB folder/item....which I believe was old temp/OneDrive folder for Vault.

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