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Windows Defender fails to indicate failing Windows Update

Guest jamies

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Guest jamies

Windows Defender reports Definitions are uptodate, and that:

The definitions were updated on the 27/Aug to v1.205.789.0


Windows Update reports that KB2267602 definition v1.205.789.0 failed to install with error x0 ..

System decides it's gonna hide that code before you can note it down.

Also - when I exit, and go back into the Settings for Windows Update it seems that the download and install and restart 10 minutes ago didn't pick-up KB3081448 - and it's downloading that now!

So - it's off to the Update History -

Er - it reports that KB3081449 was successfully installed - that's the one after wot it is getting now

Ah! - no error codes on the failed to install ones - and not only

is KB2267602 (Definition 1.205.789.0) a failure, but apparently so was the

the KB2267602 (Definition 1.205.789.0) that Windows Defender is reporting it is actually using

and KB2267602 (Definition 1.205.538.0)

and KB2267602 (Definition 1.205.538.0)

But KB2267602 (Definition 1.205.524.0) is apparently the last definition to install successfully

So - does anyone (Including MS staff!) know what settings to set to get shown the error code, or even better to have the updates NOT FAIL

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Guest jamies

An update -

Completed the download an did a restart to install the update

3081449 installed and the Defender update failed again, but this time I was waiting and got the failure code 0x80070003

MS support forum indicates that I need to download and run the troubleshooter -

Found the windows 10 version ( as opposed to the linked win8 version)


Ran it , ran it as administrator, and

It stopped at least 2 services and restarted CryptSvc -

(well that's the one I got the name of)

Reported Fixed in nice green font

Ran the update again - and it failed - both in windows update and in Windows Defender.

Well - There was a chance that it might have been the answer ...

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Guest jamies

Update 2

This morning windows update was waiting to install the new (well old now) definitions - and failed, but defender Update failure now attributes the problem to a "Connection failure"

But, but, but - the fix has already been downloaded, nothing else is having (apparent) network problems and this PC is wired in at a rated up-to100Mb, that seems to provide over 75Mb whenever I have run anything of sufficient volume to have download rates shown.

So - troubleshooter again - in admin mode and fix network problems -

first run disappeared without letting me see any progress of result, retry stopped Bits and Cryptsvc - retarted Cryptsvc, and may have also done the bits service, now shows a Green Fixed.

So - back to windows Defender for an update?

Settings Windows Defender Use WIndows Defender Update tab - and select Update

Windows defender reports

Virus and spyware definitions couldn't be updated

This App couldn't check for virus and spyware definition updates. Check your internet or network connections.

And the panel behind this message still shows "Updating"

Close the error and we are back to Connection Failed.

Looks like its using the Troubleshooter link to ask MS staff what is needed to get the definition updates to install.

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Guest jamies

Consider this the closure -

Gave up and contacted a Microsoft Support technician

He ran some tests and then re-imaged the OS - then ran some more fixit's including one for Windows Update that included some registry bits - well probably I didn't get to read what it was doing in the registry - Then he did some Windows service manipulation, and eventually some 3 hours later (Consider that the Win 7 to 10 upgrade took 7 hours on this system)

The system seems to have been fixed without losing any settings.

A brief list of 'things' I noted

Created a Restore Point, ran sfc scannow - about 90 minutes

ran dism /online / cleanup /image /restorehealth that installed Image 10.0.10240.16384 (another Hour)

Restart and needed to link to the online chat line to get the technician to re-establish the link ( well he had probably got busy helping somebody else during my 2½ hours of boredom!

So - basically, it's not a DIY job but needs MS technician involvement.

Now - Defender - exclude its own folder and exclude the OS partition from scans - real-time should deal with any incoming or attempts to run malware, and I'll do a scan over each weekend.

That will be following the backup and before I allow windows to do a restart for fixes installation.

Ah! and maybe next will be implementing windows backups and File_Store to a frequently USB connected hard drive.

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