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Annoying popup "How do you want to open this file" about fiber.js script

Guest jkomis

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Guest jkomis

For some time I suffered from this popup appearing every hour: cfjhy3lf58st.jpg

Following some advice from the web I performed some manipulations, and as a result popup did not disappear, but a click on "OK" started to cause the error message about the file fiber.js missing. I turned my attention to scheduled tasks and found two suspiciously looking ones: "Run_dregol" and "Dregol cide".

It looks like "Dregol" is adware. I searched my PC for all files whose name includes "dregol" and found

"Run_dregol" in C:\Windows\Tasks, in C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming, and in C:\Program Files (x86). I deleted all these files and have not seen this popup ever since.

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