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Canon i-sensys MF4690PL via usb - need driver



The printer is old, the printer is for 12'000 prints/month. No driver by win update, with driver from https://www.canon.de/support/consumer_products/products/fax__multifunctionals/laser/laserbase_mf_series/i-sensys_mf4690pl.html?type=drivers&language=&os=windows 10 (64-bit)

no printer in function, just a 'Gerät'. The book 1 'install' ist not on the canon page. There are 5 books. How to get a working printer.

Thank you, my mother's tongue is German.

i sen sys.jpg

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Some people go from support to software developer (see Software Project Transition), but not all; support positions don't usually require the same level of expertise as developer positions. As a support specialist, you can go the developer route-perhaps your employer will pay for the training! Or you can choose more managerial roles, since working with customers requires people skills, decision-making, and prioritization.

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It is printing!!!

Found my manual 1/5. The ip setting is found and the software has to be installed before the printer is started. It is as old as windows vista and so there is no colour touch-screen, just 2 rows. The printer is good for 12'000 / month and groups, so you find codes and watermark-management in the menues. And 5 manuals.

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