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Access a specific Onedrive folder from another PC


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I have an Onedrive acocunt (University-based) on my laptop which I have all my data uploaded. My current Onedrive folder has four subfolders. I am also using a workstation PC which multiple other users have access to. I would like to access only one (specific) Onedrive subfolder from the workstation. I do not want the other users access the other three subfolders. Also, I do not want to use the browser to upload my files each time. I would like to create a "shortcut" of that specific subfolder to the workstation. Could you tell me if it is possible to do it, please?

Kind regards, Emmanouil 

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  • 6 months later...

To access a specific OneDrive folder from another PC, you will need to follow these steps:

Open your web browser and go to the OneDrive website.
Sign in with your Microsoft account credentials.
Navigate to the folder that you want to access.
Click on the "Share" button at the top of the page.
In the "Invite people" dialog box, enter the email address of the account you want to share the folder with.
Click the "Share" button.
On the other PC, open your web browser and go to the OneDrive website.
Sign in with the same Microsoft account credentials.
Navigate to the "Shared" section of the OneDrive website.
Find the shared folder you want to access and click on it to open it.
You should now be able to access and edit the files in the shared OneDrive folder from the other PC.


Rachel Gomez

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