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Microsoft confirms AI-powered personalized Widgets in Windows 11


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As promised, Microsoft has finally shown us what the new Windows 11 OS will look like. The new Windows OS has plenty of new features and visual changes, including the new AI-powered Widgets that will help Windows 11 users find out news and information easily in one place.

The new AI-powered Widgets eliminate the need for users to pick up their phones to check the news, weather, or notifications as users will now be able to open a similarly curated view directly from their Windows 11 desktops. All this will be possible due to Microsoft’s advanced AI technology and Microsoft Edge, both of which will work in the background to show you all the useful information that you need on the personalized feed.

As you can see the personalized feed opens on the right side of the desktop. But as Panos Panay said, Windows 11 is about giving users more choices — users will be able to make the personalized feed expand to the entire height and width of the display.

This new Widgets feature is reminiscent of the Your Feed feature in the Microsoft Launcher app. While it isn’t entirely new, Microsoft is introducing Artificial Intelligence Development Company powered personalized widgets for the first time on Windows.

Undoubtedly, this is a useful feature, but that doesn’t guarantee that users will use the feature as much as Microsoft would like. If users don’t use Widgets much, you shouldn’t be surprised to see Microsoft removing the feature, just like what it did with Timeline.

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The widgets will be powered by Microsoft's AI and machine learning technologies, which will analyze user data and behavior to determine what content to display. Users will be able to customize  I use this WordPress blog https://i-m4.net/ editor on my website the widgets to show information such as weather updates, news headlines, calendar events, and more.

Edited by elizabeth1
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Yes, Microsoft has confirmed that it will be introducing AI-powered personalized Widgets in Windows 11. These Widgets will be integrated into the new Start menu and will allow users to personalize their experience by adding and arranging different widgets based on their interests and preferences. เว็บแทงบอล ออนไลน์ The AI component of these Widgets will allow Windows 11 to recommend relevant content based on the user's browsing history, search queries, and other data. For example, if a user frequently searches for news about sports, the personalized Widgets may include a sports news widget that displays the latest headlines and scores.

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