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Accidentally deleted almost everything from my computer but not onedrive


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I had a window open with a navigation pane. The navigation pane was really narrow. I tried to enlarge it. I immediately got a message box involving processing (I guess deleting) something on the order of 60,000 files. Within a second, I hit cancel. A bit later, one of those brief messages popped up. "You deleted something on the order of 60,000 files." I clicked restore. Now, I have something like 60,000 files deleted from my computer. Of note is they do not appear in my recycle bin, and they do not appear in my Onedrive recycle bin. As far as I can tell, everything is still in Onedrive, but almost everything I work with is gone from my computer. Everything I find through google about restoring files talks about restoring them from the recycle bin, but that is not my situation. I hit a dead end trying to call Microsoft for help. I seem to be able to successfully copy folders and automatically subfolders from Onedrive back to my computer, but I don't really want to do that one folder at a time. Does anyone know how I can (ideally easily) repopulate my computer with what I have in Onedrive? How can I get my files back on my computer? Thank you so much for any insights!

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