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Cannot log into PC, password reset unsuccessful

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My Dad has entered his Outlook password/ log in PIN for his laptop incorrectly too many times and is locked out.  We can't reset the password because we cannot provide "sufficient" information to MS... however, he never uses the associated e-mail address.  One of the key questions is to list out the receiver and subject of recent sent e-mails, but he's never sent an e-mail off this account, so we leave this one blank.  He pays for a OneDrive subscription and has given the card details required, yet this still seems insufficient.  He is completely locked out of the PC. I'm relatively PC literate but cannot help him on this.  I've looked up several possible actions to take but they are not possible.  Is there any way we can get through this without wiping the PC and starting again?  Any help gratefully received. 

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  • 1 year later...

Following the steps below will remove all your programs, data, and settings.
Select Power in the bottom right-hand corner of the lock screen.
While holding down the Shift key, select Restart.
On the Boot options menu, select Troubleshoot > Reset this PC > Remove everything.
Your PC will restart and will reset itself.



Rachel Gomez

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