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How 2 use Apps on win7 ssd on Win10 laptop

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I have an old Win7 laptop with some apps that I'd like to run on my current Win10 laptop.  Now, I plan on dismantling the old laptop and connecting it via some SATA to USB dongle.  Question:  If I fix the boot sequence, will I be able to run the apps on "that external" ssd HD on my new laptop... or, it won't work?  


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  • 1 year later...

Technically you can. The computer views all drives as storage. Some are faster than others but that is reflected in the system performance.

Practically under most circumstances you wouldn't do this. One reason is that there is more chance of the “connection” (hardware and software) between the drive and the computer failing which means that the application may fail in a way that causes you problems (loss of data etc). If possible consider putting critical work on an internal drive. remember any drive can fail and all work/files/data that is important to you should be kept in multiple locations so that a drive failure - which will happen - won't be a big problem for you. There are many quality backup and recovery solutions.

NB Some users put important files/photos etc into a secure cloud environment where the service keeps multiple copies and ensures the files are not lost. This is a standard service built into most cloud storage.

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