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No admin privileges on new pc

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I have a new Lenovo computer, turned on a week ago for the first time. Ran through the initial setup and logged in with my microsoft account and everything seemed fine. I've only used it 3 times since I got it. I wanted to turn off the password and pin requirement at startup so I started googling and looking through settings and I realized I don't have some of the options that I should. So then I went down that rabbit hole and eventually came to the conclusion that I have no admin privileges. I made a local account to see if I could give admin privileges to it but its the same. No matter what "fix" I find online I either cannot access it or just simply don't have those settings. I do not have the "Family and other users" settings in control panel. I cannot run anything as an administrator because a message pops up saying I need an admin password but there's no place to enter a password and the only option to click is "no" which closes the window.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I'm using Windows 10 Home version 10.0.19041 build 19041 and the computer is a Lenovo 90LV000DUS
Also, if you could explain any suggestions as if I am 5 that would be best

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