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What is triggering the antimalware service executable to start? I want to create an exclusion but I don't know which file(s) is the culprit.


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The antimalware service executable is hogging up system resources on my work computer such that I can't get my work done. I.T. refuses to disable Windows Defender and install something better, so I'm stuck trying to figure out how to prevent these scans from triggering. Is there a log file somewhere that shows which suspected file(s) caused the full scan to take place?

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  • 2 years later...

The Antimalware Service Executable is a process associated with Windows Defender, which is the built-in antivirus and antimalware solution provided by Microsoft. It runs in the background and helps protect your computer against malware threats.

Several factors can trigger the Antimalware Service Executable to start:

Real-time protection: The primary function of the Antimalware Service Executable is to provide real-time protection against malware. It continuously monitors your system for any suspicious or malicious activities, scans files, and blocks potential threats. When you enable real-time protection in Windows Defender, the Antimalware Service Executable will start automatically to ensure your computer is protected.

Scheduled scans: Windows Defender allows you to schedule periodic scans of your computer for malware. You can configure these scans to run at specific times or intervals. When the scheduled scan is due, the Antimalware Service Executable will start to perform the scan and check for any potential threats.

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