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All settings and window search

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Yesterday utorrents didn't open so I tried to check all settings from the bottom corner it opened but nothing else would. So i went to windows search typed command prompt and all I got was tin blue balls (search) across the screen. I deleted all recent apps or updates. and restarted  a few times nothing happen. I watch a video Fix Windows 10 Search Not Working from Britec and tried all of them at about the 4.18 min mark admin Powershell then past PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted enter then past Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers |Where-Object {$_.InstallLocation -like "*SystemApps*"} | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"} and then enter then deployment operations progress in a Green colour. It start OK but mine got a lot of Red information. he said your search box should be up and running. I didn't know what to do so I restarted my computer only to find a black screen. nothing seemed to work except when I pressed the windows key. Clicking on anything did nothing. This morning on my laptop I watch a few videos this one (Windows 10 Black Screen With Cursor [Solved]) seeming to work and put me into safe mode but the screen resolution was enlarged. He then said to type in Add or remove programs. it didn't work. If I reboot is goes back to as it was before. I have redone it and know it is still in safe mode. what can I do? please help me...   

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Hi Darrell,

Try system restore option. You shall get back your system as you had it earlier.

Check the below video. (In your case, as search not working, right click on My computer/ This PC > Properties > Advanced system settings > System protection > System Restore )

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