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Type instead of talking to Cortana


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If this is happening to someone else, please support commenting this so our voices are heard.

I waste way too much time talking to Cortana to find simple matches of words or phrases in my documents.  

Talking to Cortana is reducing my income dramatically as I must find old documents matches to compare phrases in old projects. 


Since we do not have the typing option for searches I prefer to do them manually. It takes longer to get positive results with Cortana.

Can we have a choice between typing or talking to do searches please?



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Hi Lolita,

I'm not sure I understand what you are asking? Is it that you don't know about File Explorer? Or you find it a hassle?

There are some other programs up there on the Internet to search for files. I find them as tough as Windows search. They need a better way to keep your files in one location.

Here is what I did: In File Explorer, go to Documents or wherever you keep your files and open it and either Right click on that folder scroll down to

Send to Desktop>Add Shortcut. Copy everything into that new folder and name it what you want.


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