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August 2019 update, black screen issue


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Doesn't appear  to be much new activity on this site, but hopefully somebody will have an answer to help me?

On Saturday 24th August 2019, I received a Windows 10 update.

After two hours it showed 17 %.

I had to go out, so I left it running.

When I returned late afternoon, the monitor screen was black.

I switched off, but when I switched back on, nothing worked.

I returned the next morning, and all I could get was a black screen with a Lenovo logo in the middle.

I tried switching the desktop back on many many times. 

The fan ran, the on switch button lit, and the hard disc led flashed for a few seconds, but no connection.

I tried a hard reset hundreds of times,  but could not access safe mode.

All recommendations say that switching on and off only THREE times, will automatically bring up the safe mode.......IT DOESN'T.

I removed all cables, then replaced them one at a time, trying a restart several times with each new addition.

Now I only have the monitor, mouse, mains cable  and keyboard connected.

I have tried everything with and without Internet connection. It makes no difference.

I have followed every recommendation from Microsoft, (who start from the safe mode), and many other 'experts' on You Tube, and other forums.

My fingers are sore from pushing buttons. I do not want to risk losing all of my stored data and irreplaceable photographs etc.

Until  I can gain access to the computer, I cannot make a spare copy of everything.

Looking back at old reports, it seems that this issue has been going on for years.

Surely, Microsoft should have solved the problems by now?

They can't keep blaming their customer's equipment and systems, when the ONLY common factor is the Windows operating system.

i have spent two days trying to resolve this problem, and I know that I am not the only one who is unlucky to be experiencing it.

it is seriously affecting my business and my life.

Can someone PLEASE come up with a solution that works?

Grateful for any help, apart from suggesting a sledge hammer!




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