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Freezing of various programmes on Laptop

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Had been having various problems with laptop which resulted in me using my recovery USB.

I have a Acer Aspire 3 with Windows 10.

Once the recovery was complete the laptop has had the same issues it had been having prior to the recovery. These were:

Cortana Freezing intermittently 
Search bar freezing intermittently 
Google Chrome freezing intermittently with web pages freezing before opening website
Taking ages for webpages to load even though have good speed of internet (checked through speedtest) 
General Freezing of different programmes intermittently 
Generally slow to boot 
Slow when opening programmes

There is nothing on the computer in terms of files clogging up the system which could cause it to freeze.
I have performed a virus check and it is completely clean.
I am at a total loss what to do. The laptop is only 2 months old and had been working fine up until a few days ago and had been incredibly fast.

I would be so grateful if anyone can help me or point me in the right direction.

I look forward to hearing from you.

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