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BlueSoleil 10 Install problems

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To extend my bluetooth range I purchased a Sena UD100 bluetooth adaptor and also bought the Software BlueSoleil 10. I have tried to install this program many times but my Dell XPS 8920 Win 10 pro 64bit. wont use it. It still uses the on-board Bluetooth Module. Can someone help me Please.



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  • 4 years later...

I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble installing BlueSoleil 10. Here are some troubleshooting steps you can try:

Make sure that your computer meets the minimum system requirements for BlueSoleil 10. The system requirements can be found on the BlueSoleil website.

Disable your antivirus software temporarily during the installation process. Some antivirus programs may interfere with the installation process and prevent the software from installing correctly.

Download the latest version of BlueSoleil 10 from the official website and try reinstalling it. Make sure that you download the correct version for your operating system.

Try running the installation file as an administrator. Right-click on the installation file and select "Run as administrator".

If you are still encountering issues, try uninstalling any previous versions of BlueSoleil that may be on your system before attempting to install the latest version.



Rachel Gomez

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