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  1. It is a Lenovo desktop - it won't do anything when I power it up except the HD light flashes at me - if I leave it flashing overnight it would come back up and be normal. Since the latest W 10 updates, it won't even do that. ( The battery I was told to replace is a 2032 on the motherboard, but that didn't fix it.) - what do you mean by a hard reboot? It doesn't get to where i can use safe mode.
  2. Since Windows 10 upgrade from 8, I have had problems restarting my PC. I hardly ever shut it off, but lost power one day and it took hours for it to come back up - the HD light just sits and flashes. I've tried a number of FAQ suggested fixes, which seemed to make it worse, such as the latest group of W10 updates. Then I saw a tip to update all the Lenovo drivers, which I did and now it won't come up at all - have left it for days now, and the HD light just sits and flashes, about once per second. A HW tech who works at Dell suggested a new battery, which I replaced, no change to the problem. Any suggestions?
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